Download the FREE app on your compatible device to make use of this product's augmented reality function. **Please note that the app is currently only available for Apple products (iPhone, iPad). It is currently unavailable for Android users.**
Supplement your students’ understanding of the vital organs in the human body in full-color, detailed augmented reality (AR). Learning has never been so fun and interactive.
Benefits of teaching and learning using this AR lab manual: - Content is NGSS aligned. - Students can learn at their own pace. - Learning is enhanced by audio clips corresponding with each organ at multiple levels for differentiation. - Organs can be rotated and enlarged to view detailed structures. - Each organ contains two activity prompts that stretch students’ learning (e.g., question/answer, sketching, predicting, and comparing). - Lab manual contains glossary with pronunciation guide. - Teacher’s Edition comes with 60 assessment questions and answers. - Content format is flexible and conducive to individual or collaborative learning.
"Never before have students been able to examine and manipulate organs in a visually true way-- this book delivers that!" - Wendy Martin