Online Dissection Resources
The following are humane life science education resources and virtual dissections that are available online. They are a combination of free and affordable web-based, app-based, and downloadable items. Additionally, there are a number of hands-on models to choose from, which cannot be borrowed through our loan program. Use the key below to easily find which resources are right for you.
Indicates resources that are free.
Indicates resources that require a fee for use.
Indicates web-based resources that are accessible online and do not require download (compatible with most devices that can access the internet).
Indicates resources that are available through Google Play (may be compatible with Chromebook and other Google or Android devices).
Indicates resources that are available through iOS, MacOS, or available for download on Apple devices (may be compatible with iPad and other Apple devices).
Indicates resources that are available for download on Windows devices (Compatible with most devices excluding Chromebooks and Apple products).
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Animal Life Cycle | Bird | Cat | Crayfish | Dog | Earthworm | Fish | Frog | Horse | Human | Insect | Mollusc | Pig | Rat | Shark | Starfish | Other Animal

3D Bird Anatomy by Biosphera (Apple Store) (Google Play): A virtual 3D interactive model that allows you to explore anatomy in great detail as you go through labeled body systems one-by-one, from every possible angle. Purchase and download for Windows, Google Play, or iOS (iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch 11.0 or later).
All About Bird Anatomy by The Cornell University Lab of Ornithology Bird Academy: Discover and explore all 11 of the virtual bird's anatomical systems using Cornell Lab's interactive learning tool, then activate flashcard mode to quiz yourself. Access online.
Bird 3D Dissection Model (Getting Nerdy with Mel & Gerdy): A 3D dissection model (paper or vinyl) accompanied by a digital lesson plan for educators. Purchase includes the physical model, PowerPoint slides, PDF handouts, guided reading, graphic organizers, dissection templates, extension questions, and answer keys.
Chicken Genetics Gizmo (ExploreLearning): Web-based platform where students can breed "pure" chickens with known genotypes that exhibit specific feather colors, and learn how traits are passed on via codominant genes. Student Exploration sheets, Answer key, Teacher Guide, and Vocabulary sheet included. Access online.
Chick Hatching Resources by Twinkl: Various FREE chick hatching resources. Must sign up for a free account in order to download resources. Access online. Can also be used with this accompanying article on Twinkl - How to Teach the Chick Egg Hatching Process in School Ethically.
Chick It Out App (P.E.A.C.E. Humane) (Apple Store) (Google Play): Interactive and educational AR app which explores egg development, the life cycle, and anatomy of chickens. This is a humane alternative to live egg hatching projects in classrooms and homes. Purchase and download for Windows, Google Play, iOS (iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch 11.0 or later), or macOS 11.0 or later and a Mac with Apple M1 chip or later.
oVert - openVertebrate project: Free, digital 3D vertebrate anatomy models and data collected from CT scan and made available to researchers, educators, students and the public. From the oVert website, "Over the next four years, the oVert team will CT scan 20,000 fluid-preserved specimens from U.S. museum collections, producing high-resolution anatomical data for more than 80 percent of vertebrate genera." The current specimen gallery includes Amphibians, Birds, Fishes, Mammals, & Reptiles.
Oh Worm! Chicken Wing Dissection (Video): A great dissection video with fun and informative commentary. Access online.
Oh Worm! Pigeon Dissection (Video): A great dissection video with fun and informative commentary. Access online.
Pigeon Dissection Images: Photographs of pigeon dissection with labels. Access online.
Vertebrate Anatomy Pigeon Dissection: Full-body labeled image of a dissected pigeon. Available to view unlabeled image for quiz. Variety of Bird Skeletons, Bird Skulls, Feathers, and Wings also available. Access online.

Virtual Cat Anatomy: A cat dissection slide show. Access online.
Biology Corner Crayfish Anatomy & Dissection Resources: Lesson Plans, handouts, and activities for students on crayfish anatomy and dissection. Free Access online. Scroll down to access Arthropods.
Crayfish 3D Dissection Model (Getting Nerdy with Mel & Gerdy): A 3D dissection model (paper or vinyl) accompanied by a digital lesson plan for educators. Purchase includes the physical model, PowerPoint slides, PDF handouts, guided reading, graphic organizers, dissection templates, extension questions, and answer keys.
Dissection 101 - Crayfish (PBS): Dissection lesson plans, videos, and quizzes. Access online. Scroll down to access Crayfish.
eMind Invertebrate: An NGSS-aligned virtual dissection which includes labs and tests. Purchase and access online.
Internal Anatomy of the Crayfish: A labeled image of the internal anatomy of the crayfish with descriptions. Access online.
Oh Worm! Crayfish Dissection (Video): A great dissection video with fun and informative commentary. Access online.
South Dakota Public Broadcasting Old School Science Demonstrations - Dissections: Crayfish dissection multimedia options such as video & photos, lesson plan, student checklist, interactive PowerPoint, and quiz available. Scroll down for other animals. Access online.
University of Buffalo’s Crayfish: Labeled photographs of crayfish anatomy. Access online.
3D Dog Anatomy by Biosphera (Apple Store) (Google Play): A virtual 3D interactive model that allows you to explore anatomy in great detail as you go through labeled body systems one-by-one, from every possible angle. Purchase and download for Windows, Google Play, or iOS (iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch 11.0 or later).
Anatomy of the Dog - Illustrated Atlas by IMAIOS: An atlas of canine anatomy based on veterinary medical imaging. Access online.
Canine Anatomy VR Trainer (zSpace): This virtual reality software allows an in-depth exploration of Canine Anatomy through every body system. Virtual dissection and examination of the different body structures are possible, including inspection of individual organs. Must be used through the zSpace learning platform on zSpace hardware.
CSU’s Virtual Canine Anatomy: Interactive images, dissection walkthroughs, and quizzes. Purchase and access online.
Dog Enzyme Stem Case (ExploreLearning): Web-based platform where students can perform as a veterinary technician to learn about enzymes by helping a dog that has been eating normally but is losing a lot of weight. Available at a High School or AP level. Teacher Guide, Expanded Handbook, and Lesson Materials included. Access online.
The Glass Dog: Thorax and Abdomen: 3D animations, interactive models, narrations, and more than 250 detailed images of the canine thorax and abdomen. Purchase and download for Windows.
Hill's Atlas of Veterinary Clinical Anatomy for Dogs and Cats: Explore the different clinical anatomy of dogs and cats by comparing and contrasting images in every body system. Ability to download full Atlas provided. Access online.
The Musculoskeletal System by Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine: Interactive illustrations and videos to help understand the integrated function of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems in the context of weight bearing and locomotion. Categories are: Bones and Joints; Muscle Groups; Concepts in Motion; and Musculoskeletal Evaluation. Access online.
Vet-Anatomy: An atlas of veterinary anatomy based on veterinary medical imaging. Download for free through Google Play.
Visual Anatomy 3D – Canine: An interactive 3D model of canine anatomy. Purchase and download through Google Play.
Biology Corner Earthworm Anatomy & Dissection Resources: Lesson Plans, handouts, and activities for students on earthworm anatomy and dissection. Free Access online. Scroll down to access Earthworm.
Dissection 101 - Earthworm (PBS): Dissection lesson plans, videos, and quizzes. Access online. Scroll down to access Earthworm.
eMind Invertebrate: An NGSS-aligned virtual dissection which includes labs and tests. Purchase and access online.
Oh Worm! Earthworm Dissection (Video): A great dissection video with fun and informative commentary. Access online.
South Dakota Public Broadcasting Old School Science Demonstrations - Dissections: Earthworm dissection multimedia options such as video & photos, lesson plan, student checklist, interactive PowerPoint, and quiz available. Scroll down for other animals. Access online.
University of Buffalo's Earthworm: Labeled photographs of earthworm anatomy. Access online.
University of Illinois: Worm Anatomy: A child-friendly overview of earthworm anatomy, taxonomy, history, ecology, fun facts, and more. Access online.
Visible Biology by Visible Body: With the 3D animal dissection models in Visible Biology’s Animal Structure and Function unit, students can study animal form and function in a whole new way! Study the internal and external structures of invertebrates with interactive 3D earthworm dissection models. The systems tray functionality lets students easily isolate specific body systems. Students can complete dissection lab activities in class and reference those same models to study and complete assignments at home.
Worm 3D Dissection Model (Getting Nerdy with Mel & Gerdy): A 3D dissection model (paper or vinyl) accompanied by a digital lesson plan for educators. Purchase includes the physical model, PowerPoint slides, PDF handouts, guided reading, graphic organizers, dissection templates, extension questions, and answer keys.
3D Fish Anatomy by Biosphera (Apple Store) (Google Play): A virtual 3D interactive model that allows you to explore anatomy in great detail as you go through labeled body systems one-by-one, from every possible angle. Purchase and download for Windows, Google Play, or iOS (iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch 11.0 or later).
Dissection 101 - Perch (PBS): Dissection lesson plans, videos, and quizzes. Access online. Scroll down to access Fish.
Dissection of a Blue Mackerel from the Australian Museum: Labeled photos and descriptions of the internal organs, digestive tract, swim bladder, and gills of a Blue Mackerel fish. This can assist students and teachers with similar dissections as many of the organs that are encountered during a typical fish dissection are named and discussed. Access online.
Dissection of a Bluespotted Flathead from the Australian Museum: Labeled photos and descriptions of the internal organs, digestive tract, swim bladder, and gills of a Blue Mackerel fish. This can assist students and teachers with similar dissections as many of the organs that are encountered during a typical fish dissection are named and discussed. Access online.
eMind Fish: An NGSS-aligned virtual dissection which includes labs and tests. Purchase and access online.
Fish Scales: Describes the different types of fish scales with magnified photos of the four main kinds of scales and numerous variations of each kind. They are listed as Placoid (sharks and rays); Cosmoid (lungfishes and some fossil fishes); Ganoid (bichirs , Bowfin, paddlefishes, gars, sturgeons); and Cycloid and Ctenoid (most bony fishes). Access online.
Marine Life 3D: Learn interesting facts about over 20 different marine animals while viewing them as amazing 3D models that can be rotated and zoomed in on.
oVert - openVertebrate project: Free, digital 3D vertebrate anatomy models and data collected from CT scan and made available to researchers, educators, students and the public. From the oVert website, "Over the next four years, the oVert team will CT scan 20,000 fluid-preserved specimens from U.S. museum collections, producing high-resolution anatomical data for more than 80 percent of vertebrate genera." The current specimen gallery includes Amphibians, Birds, Fishes, Mammals, & Reptiles.
Oh Worm! Perch Dissection (Video): A great dissection video with fun and informative commentary. Access online.
Parts of a Fish: Labeled drawings of the parts of a fish with specific drawings of the directional views, skeleton, fins, internal anatomy, and the internal anatomy of anterior region. Access online.
Perch 3D Dissection Model (Getting Nerdy with Mel & Gerdy): A 3D dissection model (paper or vinyl) accompanied by a digital lesson plan for educators. Purchase includes the physical model, PowerPoint slides, PDF handouts, guided reading, graphic organizers, dissection templates, extension questions, and answer keys.
South Dakota Public Broadcasting Old School Science Demonstrations - Dissections: Perch dissection multimedia options such as video & photos, lesson plan, student checklist, interactive PowerPoint, and quiz available. Scroll down for other animals. Access online.
Tampa Bay Watch Virtual Lionfish Dissection: Discover what makes the lionfish invasive to Florida’s marine ecosystem (bays, estuaries, and reefs) through an interactive lesson along with a virtual dissection. This lionfish program was designed to accompany the Tampa Bay Watch mobile classroom experience.
University of Buffalo's Perch: Labeled photographs of perch anatomy. Access online.
Vertebrate Anatomy Perch Dissection: Full-body labeled image of a dissected perch. Available to view unlabeled image for quiz. Variety of Bony Fish Skeletons, Bony Fish Skulls, and Fish Scale Image also available. Access online.
3D Frog Anatomy by Biosphera (Apple Store) (Google Play): A virtual 3D interactive model that allows you to explore anatomy in great detail as you go through labeled body systems one-by-one, from every possible angle. Purchase and download for Windows, Google Play, or iOS (iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch 11.0 or later).
3D Frog Skeleton by Biosphera (Apple Store) (Google Play): A virtual 3D interactive model that allows you to explore a labeled frog skeleton in great detail from every possible angle. Download free for Windows, Google Play, or iOS (iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch 11.0 or later).
3D Printable Frog Dissection Kit with Lesson Plan: If you have access to a 3D printer, you can make use of this free 3D blueprint for your very own frog dissection kit. Includes a lesson plan. Download the files for free.
AR Frog Lab - Dorsal View from Tidlybit: Youtube video describing an accompanying lesson in Adobe Aero on the external anatomy of a frog in augmented reality (AR) by Tidlybit. After viewing video, click link in description (or found here) and scan the QR code with your smartphone or table to add the Adobe Aero app. You'll then be able to experience the FREE Tidlybit AR Frog Labs - 1. Dorsal Anatomy - (Augmented Reality Lesson made with Adobe Aero). Adobe Aero is in Beta mode so check requirements for iPhone, iPad, or Android devices.
Biology Corner Frog Anatomy & Dissection Resources: Lesson Plans, handouts, quizzes, and activities for students on frog anatomy and dissection. Free Access online.
Dissection 101 - Frog (PBS): Dissection lesson plans, videos, and quizzes. Access online. Scroll down to access Frog.
eMind Frog: An NGSS-aligned virtual dissection which includes labs and tests. Purchase and access online.
Frog 3D Dissection Model (Getting Nerdy with Mel & Gerdy): A 3D dissection model (paper or vinyl) accompanied by a digital lesson plan for educators. Purchase includes the physical model, PowerPoint slides, PDF handouts, guided reading, graphic organizers, dissection templates, extension questions, and answer keys.
Frog Anatomy Review & Test: Learn about Frog Anatomy and test your knowledge on this site. Excellent for testing review of anatomical placement of organs. Access online.
Frog Cards E-Book: Full color photographs, illustrations, and facts on e-cards that provide information about key traits and behaviors that make different frog species unique. These are designed to encourage detailed observations in the frogs' natural habitats. Access online and can download pdf.
Frog Dissection Gizmo (ExploreLearning): Web-based platform where you can use a scalpel, forceps, and pins to dissect realistic male and female frogs. The organs can be removed and placed into organ system diagrams. Zooming, rotating, and panning tools are available to examine the frog from any angle. Student Exploration sheets, Answer key, Teacher Guide, and Vocabulary sheet are included. Access online.
Frog Dissection: Learn Frog Anatomy, Structures, and Function (YouTube): A detailed frog dissection video that points out body parts and structures, the functions of different parts of the frog, and comparative anatomy fun facts.
Frog Dissection Model (Origami Organelles): A very affordable 3D paper dissection model which you can download, print, and construct as many times as you want, after purchase.
Frog Dissection: Ribbit-ing Discoveries by VictoryXR: Now FREE! Perform a fully immersive virtual reality (VR) frog dissection. Learn about frog anatomy while performing a virtual dissection guided by a hologram of real-life science teacher, Wendy Martin. A complete hands-on experience without the harm. Free download on the Meta Quest Store (download VXRLabs and access the free frog dissection, or use on Chrome/Safari browser - will work on Chromebooks for students.
Frog Heart Dissection Model (Origami Organelles): A very affordable 3D paper dissection model which you can download, print, and construct as many times as you want, after purchase.
A Frog's Life on Merge Explorer App by Merge EDU (Apple Store) (Google Play): Explore the life cycle of a frog and frog anatomy in augmented reality (AR) in the Frog's Life section of the Merge Explorer app. App is free to download but requires subscription to Merge EDU platform. PLEASE NOTE: This app requires a Merge Cube and a smartphone or a tablet to experience. 2-week Free Trial for all content available here.
Froggipedia: An app which allows you to follow the life cycle of a frog, explore frog anatomy and its different body systems in augmented reality, and dissect a frog in great detail. Download for iOS (iPad and iPhone 11.0 or later) or MacOS (11.0 or later with Apple M1 chip).
Froguts (Frog): Hosted right here on The Science Bank, Froguts is freely available to explorers of biology. This virtual dissection software allows you to conduct a detailed virtual dissection with virtual dissection tools. View the dissection specimen in 3D and manipulate the specimen prior to dissection. Take quizzes after each section. Please note that technical support is not available for this product and this software is no longer being updated or serviced by its creators, but it is still a valuable resource for those who are able to access and operate it. Download for free.
oVert - openVertebrate project: Free, digital 3D vertebrate anatomy models and data collected from CT scan and made available to researchers, educators, students and the public. From the oVert website, "Over the next four years, the oVert team will CT scan 20,000 fluid-preserved specimens from U.S. museum collections, producing high-resolution anatomical data for more than 80 percent of vertebrate genera." The current specimen gallery includes Amphibians, Birds, Fishes, Mammals, & Reptiles.
Oh Worm! Frog Dissection (Video): A great dissection video with fun and informative commentary. Access online.
South Dakota Public Broadcasting Old School Science Demonstrations - Dissections: Frog dissection multimedia options such as video & photos, lesson plan, student checklist, interactive PowerPoint, and quiz available. Scroll down for other animals. Access online.
Syndaver SynFrog - Frog Dissection Model available with Dissection Kit: SynFrog is made with synthetic wet tissues that mimic the look, feel and physical properties of real live tissue. SynFrog is made to represent a live female frog in every way possible, including its size and the texture and color of its skin and organs. This is a purchase of a physical model, but the Bundle with Dissection Kit includes a live online course. Can purchase the SynFrog only, or a bundle with dissection kit that includes 1 SynFrog dissection model, Dissection mat, Dissection instruments, Pins, Dissection lab guide, and Live online course.
Vertebrate Anatomy Frog Dissection: Full-body labeled image of a dissected frog. Available to view unlabeled image for quiz. Frog Skeleton and Frog Skin also available. Access online.
Virtual Frog Dissection: An app that allows you to dissect a frog. Download for iOS (iPad 9.1 or later) or MacOS (Mac 11.0 or later with Apple M1 chip).
Virtual Frog Dissection Kit: Virtual Frog Dissection where you can select organs or systems to view. Click the frog image to enter. Select or deselect items to bring up a brief description. Click link in description for more information and images. Access online.
Virtual Physiology SimMuscle: Realistic simulated laboratory which allows you to perform isolated experiments with isolated nerve-muscle preparations of the frog. Purchase and download for Windows.
Virtual Physiology SimNerv: Realistic simulated laboratory which allows you to perform experiments of compound action potential recordings from isolated preparations of the frog's sciatic nerve. Purchase and download for Windows.
Visible Biology by Visible Body: With the 3D animal dissection models in Visible Biology’s Animal Structure and Function unit, students can study animal form and function in a whole new way! Study the internal and external structures of invertebrates with interactive 3D frog dissection models. The systems tray functionality lets students easily isolate specific body systems. Students can complete dissection lab activities in class and reference those same models to study and complete assignments at home.
3D Horse Anatomy by Biosphera (Apple Store) (Google Play): A virtual 3D interactive model that allows you to explore anatomy in great detail as you go through labeled body systems one-by-one, from every possible angle. Purchase and download for Windows, Google Play, or iOS (iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch 11.0 or later).
CSU’s Virtual Equine Anatomy: Interactive images, dissection walkthroughs, and quizzes. Purchase and access online.
The Glass Horse Equine Abdomen: 3D animations, interactive models, and large detailed images of the horse abdomen. Purchase and download for Windows.
The Glass Horse Equine Colic: A comprehensive exploration of equine abdominal anatomy, the veterinarian's approach to diagnosis, and detailed 3D animations depicting 28 diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Purchase and download for Windows.
The Glass Horse Distal Limb: An exploration of the equine distal limb with interactive models, narration, and animations. Manipulate models in 3D. Purchase and download for Windows.
Horse Eyeball Dissection (YouTube): A dissection of a real horse eyeball alongside a lesson on its anatomy and functions. Access online.
Horse Limb Anatomy from Iowa State University: This interactive website provides views of the limbs as a 3D digital images or as a radiographic projections. There are also 3D videos which provide a 360 view of the limbs. Labels and arrows can be turned off and on. Access online.
Rooney's Guide to the Dissection of the Horse: Database of color images with labels. Search by Neck, Thorax, Abdomen, Pelvis, Hindlimb, Forelimb, and Head. Access online.
General Anatomy
3B Smart Anatomy App by 3B Scientific (Apple Store) (Google Play): View a 3D digital twin of your 3B anatomy model with this free app to make the most out of your anatomy experience. Works with a variety of 3B Brain, Heart, and Eye models available through The Science Bank. Download for Google Play or iOS. Must use in conjunction with a 3B Scientific anatomy model.
3D Human Anatomy Introduction by Biosphera (Apple Store) (Google Play): A virtual 3D interactive model that allows you to explore anatomy in great detail as you go through labeled body systems one-by-one, from every possible angle. Purchase and download for Windows, Google Play, or iOS (iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch 11.0 or later).
ADAM Education: Content and curriculum resources for anatomy and physiology educators, featuring illustrations, 3D images, curriculum builder, dissectible anatomy, and more. Purchase to access online or download for Windows, iOS, and MacOS.
Anatomage Digital Anatomy Image Library: Contains human anatomy cases including detailed regional scans and medical pathology cases. Free access online.
Anatomy & Physiology Revealed 4.0: A comprehensive, interactive virtual dissection tool with realistic visuals, informative descriptions, quiz questions, and more. Contact McGraw Hill to purchase and access online. A platform that offers students and lecturers access to highly detailed 3D models, articles, audio, quizzes, and more for learning human anatomy. Subscription based & access online. 14-day Free Trial available.
Anatomy in Clay On Demand Professional Development: Musculoskeletal and Body Systems are now available to build at home with Anatomy in Clay's On Demand Professional Development course. They will ship you everything needed to construct the model and provide 9 hours of exceptional, pre-recorded teaching content, 90-day access to the entire course, and one-on-one coaching sessions from your Education Consultant. Computer with broadband internet and ability to stream is required. Access online.
The Anatomy Zone: Over 200 informative videos (and counting) of advanced anatomy and physiology topics, categorized by body regions and parts. Access online.
Animations from Anatomography: Anatomical animations presented in various subcategories such as Brain, Liver, Cartilages, Muscles, and Skeletal System. Access online.
BioDigital Human: An interactive 3D software platform for visualizing anatomy, disease, and treatment. Purchase and access online, via Google Play, or via iOS.
BlueLink from University of Michigan Medical School: A multimedia based education resource for medical students. Includes cadaveric photographs, lab manuals, interactive files, quizzes, videos, and more. Access online.
Complete Anatomy: An interactive anatomy learning platform featuring 3D anatomical models, virtual dissection, radiology images, and much more. Purchase to access online, via Google Play, or iOS.
Curio XR: An immersive, engaging, comprehensive, no-cost extended reality (AR/VR/Mixed Reality) learning platform, offering an extensive human anatomy exploration unit. Must have META QUEST HEADSET for use. Uses hand-tracking technology on the headset, so hand controllers are not required.
Eye 3D Dissection Model (Getting Nerdy with Mel & Gerdy): A 3D dissection model (paper or vinyl) accompanied by a digital lesson plan for educators. Purchase includes the physical model, PowerPoint slides, PDF handouts, guided reading, graphic organizers, dissection templates, extension questions, and answer keys.
Eye Anatomy: Learn all about the Anatomy of the Eye. This page explores the Human Eye in the following topics: The Structure of the Human Eye; How Light is Regulated and Images are Brought into Focus; The Retina and Function of Rods and Cones; and Rods and Cones in Seeing Color and Distinguishing Form. Access online.
Eyeball AR/3D Model (Twinkl): Human Eyeball Model available to use either in augmented reality (AR) or 3D views. Use this model to support learning about vision alongside other resources to enhance engagement, encourage curiosity and generate questions from learners. Access online.
Eyes and Vision 1 - Seeing Color Gizmo (ExploreLearning): Web-based platform where students will observe how different colors of light are reflected or absorbed by colored objects. Determine that white light is a combination of different colors of light, and that one or more component colors may be reflected when white light is shone on an object. Understand that we see an object when light reflected from the object enters our eye. Student Exploration sheet, Answer key, Teacher Guide, and Vocabulary sheet included. Access online.
Eyes and Vision 2 - Focusing Light Gizmo (ExploreLearning): Web-based platform where students manipulate the pupil diameter to regulate the amount of light that enters then eye, then change the lens shape to focus light. Determine the changes in lens shape needed to maintain focus as the object distance changes. This is a followup to the Eyes and Vision 1 - Seeing Colors lesson. Student Exploration sheet, Answer key, Teacher Guide, and Vocabulary sheet included. Access online.
Eyes and Vision 3 - Sensing Light Gizmo (ExploreLearning): Web-based platform where students observe how photoreceptors on the retina are stimulated by different colors of light. Determine that cone cells are stimulated by specific colors of light and enable us to see color, while rod cells are stimulated by various colors and do not contribute to color vision. Experiment by varying the percentage of rod and cone cells in normal and dim light to see how rod cells help with night vision. Student Exploration sheet, Answer key, Teacher Guide, and Vocabulary sheet included. Access online.
Hank Green's Anatomy & Physiology Crash Course (YouTube): Join popular YouTuber Hank Green for his fun, child-friendly crash-course video series on human anatomy and physiology. Access online.
Healthline's Human Body Maps: A 3D model of the human body that allows you to explore body systems one-by-one, along with informative descriptions about each body system and its parts. Access online.
The Human Body: Labeled images and descriptions of human anatomy. Access online.
Human Body Anatomy Dissection Model Bundle (Origami Organelles): A very affordable 3D paper dissection model which you can download, print, and construct as many times as you want, after purchase.
Human Anatomy & Mr. Body on Merge Explorer App by Merge EDU (Apple Store) (Google Play): Explore human anatomy in 2 different way via augmented reality (AR) with the Human Anatomy and Mr. Body sections of the Merge Explorer app. App is free to download but requires subscription to Merge EDU platform. PLEASE NOTE: This app requires a Merge Cube and a smartphone or a tablet to experience. 2-week Free Trial for all content available here.
Innerbody Explorer: Explore Human Anatomy through 12 different anatomy systems. Each system allows for a virtual exploration that provides a closer view and detailed information on the system anatomy and physiology. Access online.
Inside Explorer - Humans - by Interspectral: Inside Explorer is an interactive software that allow its users to explore visualizations of 3D data, showcasing 3D-visualizations based on CT-scans, combined with several 3D methods for realistic and fascinating results. The Human content gallery includes a Full Body Healthy Scan, Full Body Aging Scan, Big Brain Atlas, Stroke Patient, among others. 14 Day Free Trial available.
Insight Heart by Anima Res: (Apple Store) (Google Play): INSIGHT HEART allows users to scan their physical surroundings and place the three-dimensional heart in it. A virtual assistant will guide you through various states of the heart. Rotate and scale the high-resolution heart with highly detailed 4k textures. Visualizations of various conditions, such as: Normal Heart Rate, Myocardial Infarction, Arterial Hypertension, Atrial Fibrillation, Heart Failure, and Coronary Artery Disease. Ever wondered what your heart looks like during a workout? You can use the live heart rate function with Apple Watch (Companion App) or the integrated Health app support to let your last workout data drive the heartbeat in real time!
Insight Kidney by Anima Res: (Apple Store) (Google Play): INSIGHT KIDNEY allows users to scan their physical environment and place the three-dimensional kidney in it. Explore the human kidney in augmented reality and learn more about CKD, aHUS, IgAN and C3G. A virtual assistant guides you through the different states of the kidney, and you can go on a journey through the kidney, from macroscopic to microscopic anatomy, and explore structures of the kidney in detail.
Insight Lung by Anima Res: (Apple Store) (Google Play): INSIGHT LUNG lets users scan their physical surroundings and place the three-dimensional lung in it. A virtual assistant will guide you through various states of the lung. Rotate and scale the high-resolution lung with highly detailed textures. Visualizations of the healthy lung, asthma and COPD conditions and levels of severity.
The Khan Academy: Human Biology: Comprehensive lessons on human biology, including videos, categorized by body system. Access online.
Learning Biology with Dr. Vanessa: Check out biology YouTuber Dr. Vanessa for her educational videos on human anatomy and life science.
MedlinePlus: Links to human anatomy information from the National Institute of Health, other federal government agencies, and non-government websites. Access online.
MedTable AR by Vizitech: The MedTable Augmented Reality (AR) System allows students to explore the body systems and the major organs of the human body. Body Systems or Body Organs modules are available. Some organs are dissectible and there are built-in quizzes in each module. Both modules allow for posterior views, as well as body planes and directions. The kit comes with 3 tablets, pre-programmed with the MedTable AR app, the MedTable AR mat, a case for the roll-up mat, and a screen-cast device used to share from a tablet to a secondary monitor or projector.
Muscles and Bones Gizmo (ExploreLearning): Web-based platform where students can see how muscles, bones, and connective tissue work together to allow movement. They can then construct an arm that can lift a weight or throw a ball. Connective tissue, muscle composition, bone length, and tendon insertion point can all be manipulated to create an arm to lift the heaviest weight or throw a ball the fastest. Student Exploration sheet, Answer key, Teacher Guide, and Vocabulary sheet included. Access online.
National Geographic: Human Body: An article on the human body with links to videos, informative descriptions, and images of different body systems. Access online.
Primal Pictures: Detailed, accurate and evidence-based 3D reconstruction of human anatomy. Models created using real scan and imaging data which were academically researched and peer reviewed. For Educators, Students, and Practitioners. Students can explore anatomy and physiology concepts, as well as biomechanics.
SciePro: Digital 3D anatomical and medical illustrations, models, and animations in ultra high resolution for extreme detail. Separate library of Free illustrations found here. Access online or download.
Teach Me Anatomy: A comprehensive anatomy encyclopedia featuring thousands of images, 3D anatomy models, and more. Download the iOS and Google Play apps for free, with the option to purchase a subscription for premium content.
UBC Neuroanatomy: An in-depth overview of functional anatomy by the University of British Columbia. Includes videos, interactive modules, and much more. Freely accessible online.
VH Dissector for Undergraduate Education (TolTech): Interact with 3D and cross-sectional views of over 2,000 anatomical structures through identification, dissection, assembly, and rotation. Purchase and access online.
Virtuali-Tee: (Google Play) (Apple App Store) This augmented reality shirt allows you to explore the circulatory, respiratory, and other systems of the human body with fully immersive 360 video. You can even track your heart rate and see it animating live in the app. App is free with purchase of the Virtuali-Tee shirt. To purchase Virtuali-Tee shirt, please contact TechTerra Education. Free lesson plans, worksheets, activities, etc. on the human digestive system, circulatory system, skeletal system, and more available here.
Visible Body's Anatomy Education Resources: Free anatomy learning content for students and instructors. Includes flashcards, lab activities, e-books, videos, handouts, and more.
Visible Body Suite: An app featuring the complete male and female anatomy with thousands of 3D models that span every body system. Turn any room into an anatomy lab with the augmented reality (AR) feature, test your knowledge with quizzes, and much more. Purchase to access online, via Google Play, or iOS.
Zygote Body: 3D rendered human body that can be explored through the muscular system, nervous system, skeletal system, respiratory system, digestive system, circulatory system, urogenital system, and reproductive system. Available as Adult Female or Adult Male model. Access online.
Specific Anatomical Systems
Cells Alive: Interactive cell models, games, study aids, quizzes, and much more. Very child-friendly. Available for download.
Cell Energy Cycle Gizmo (ExploreLearning): Web-based platform where students can explore the processes of photosynthesis and respiration that occur within plant and animal cells. The cyclical nature of the two processes can be constructed visually, and the simplified photosynthesis and respiration formulae can be balanced. Student Exploration Sheet, Answer key, Teacher Guide, and Vocabulary sheet included. Access online.
Cell Division Gizmo (ExploreLearning): Web-based platform where students will begin with a single cell and watch as mitosis and cell division occurs. The cells will go through the steps of interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and cytokinesis. The length of the cell cycle can be controlled, and data related to the number of cells present and their current phase can be recorded. Student Exploration Sheet, Answer key, Teacher Guide, and Vocabulary sheet included. Access online.
Cell Respiration Stem Case (ExploreLearning): Web-based platform where students perform as a medical toxicologist. Students learn about cell respiration to save the life of a CIA agent that has been poisoned. Available at a High School or AP level. Teacher Guide, Expanded Handbook, and Lesson Materials are included. Access online.
Cell Structure Gizmo (ExploreLearning): Web-based platform where students select a sample cell from an animal, plant, or bacterium and view the cell under a microscope. They can select each organelle on the image to learn more about its structure and function. Student Exploration Sheet, Answer Key, Teacher Guide, and Vocabulary sheet included. Access online.
Cell Types Gizmo (ExploreLearning): Web-based platform where students can explore a wide variety of cells, from bacteria to human neurons, using a compound light microscope. Select a sample to study, then focus on the sample using the coarse and fine focus controls of the microscope. Compare the structures found in different cells, then perform tests to see if the sample is alive. Student Exploration Sheet, Answer Key, Teacher Guide, and Vocabulary sheet included. Access online.
Centre of the Cell: A plethora of resources, games, educational apps and more, for children and science teachers. Access online.
Virus Lytic Cycle Gizmo (ExploreLearning): Web-based platform where students can release a lytic virus in a group of cells and observe how cells are infected over time and eventually destroyed. Data related to the number of healthy cells, infected cells, and viruses can be recorded over time to determine the time required for the virus to mature within a cell. Student Exploration Sheet, Answer key, Teacher Guide, and Vocabulary sheet included. Access online.
Circulatory System Gizmo (ExploreLearning): Web-based platform where students can trace the path of blood through a beating heart and the network of blood vessels that supplies blood to the body. Take blood samples from different blood vessels to observe blood cells and measure the levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, sugar, and urea. Student Exploration Sheet, Answer key, Teacher Guide, and Vocabulary sheet included. Access online.
Mammalian Organ Pack Dissection by VictoryXR: Perform a fully immersive virtual reality (VR) dissection of a human heart, cow eye, pig kidney, and sheep brain. Learn about anatomy while performing virtual dissections guided by a hologram of real-life science teacher, Wendy Martin. A complete hands-on experience without the harm. For use with Oculus, Vive, or Pico VR headsets. Fee for VictoryXR software license.
Texas Heart Institute: An overview of the anatomy of the heart and cardiovascular system, including images, illustrations, definitions, and descriptions. Access online.
The University of Minnesota's Atlas of Human Cardiac Anatomy: Photographs, illustrations, 3D models, comparative imaging, and more alongside comprehensive, informative descriptions. Access online.
WebMD's Heart Health Center: A basic dictionary of heart anatomy, conditions, tests, and treatments. Access online.
Digestive System Gizmo (ExploreLearning): Web-based platform where students can explore the Digestive System. They can design their own digestive system to find out what would happen if some organs were eliminated, or if the sequence was changed. Student Exploration Sheet, Answer key, Teacher Guide, and Vocabulary sheet included. Access online.
Respiratory System - Human Body Distance Learning + Digital Lesson (Getting Nerdy with Mel & Gerdy): A 1-2 day lesson on the human respiratory system that can be added to your units or taught entirely on its own. Access online and download for free.
eSkeletons: Images and descriptions of primate skeletal anatomy, including that of humans. Featuring comparative anatomy, taxonomy, and additional resources. Access online.
Virtual Labs and Surgery
HHMI: Virtual Lab Series: A variety of virtual, interactive labs including cardiology, immunology, and neurophysiology. Access online.
Virtual Physiology SimHeart: A virtual laboratory for recordings of heart contractions in the Langendorff set-up. Purchase and download for Windows or MacOS.
Virtual Physiology SimNeuron: Virtual laboratories for voltage and current-clamp experiments. Purchase and download for Windows.
Virtual Physiology SimVessel: A virtual laboratory for the smooth muscle contractions vessels and the intestine. Purchase and download for Windows or MacOS.
Biology Corner Grasshopper Anatomy: Handout and activity for students on grasshopper anatomy. Free Access online. Scroll down to access Arthropods.
The Bug Chicks: All about "bugs!" A variety of free, affordable and premium resources for teachers and parents to use at home & the classroom. Access online.
eMind Fly: An NGSS-aligned virtual fruit fly genetics experiment which includes labs and tests. Purchase and access online.
Fruit Fly - Drosophila Dissection Model (Origami Organelles): A very affordable 3D paper dissection model of a Fruit Fly (Drosophila). Learn about the parts of a Fruit Fly, genetics, and mutations, without the harm! You can download, print, and construct as many times as you want, after purchase.
Grasshopper 3D Dissection Model (Getting Nerdy with Mel & Gerdy): A 3D dissection model (paper or vinyl) accompanied by a digital lesson plan for educators. Purchase includes the physical model, PowerPoint slides, PDF handouts, guided reading, graphic organizers, dissection templates, extension questions, and answer keys.
Honey Bee Heredity and Traits Stem Case (ExploreLearning): Web-based platform where students perform as a bee scientist to help a honey farm that has low honey production due to wasps. Students learn about bees, heredity and traits to determine which traits will help the bees defend their hives against the wasps. Available at the Elementary or Middle School level, both are free. Student Exploration Sheet, Answer key, Teacher Guide, and Vocabulary sheet included. Access online.
Honey Bee Dissection Model (Origami Organelles): Learn about Honey Bee anatomy without the harm! A very affordable 3D paper dissection model which you can download, print, and construct as many times as you want, after purchase.
House Fly Dissection Model (Origami Organelles): A very affordable 3D paper dissection model of a House Fly (musca domestica). Learn about the parts of a House Fly without the harm! You can download, print, and construct as many times as you want, after purchase.
Inside Explorer - Insects - by Interspectral: Inside Explorer is an interactive software that allow its users to explore visualizations of 3D data, showcasing 3D-visualizations based on CT-scans, combined with several 3D methods for realistic and fascinating results. The Insects content gallery includes a Desert Ant, Dung Beetle, House Fly, and Mason Bee. 14 Day Free Trial available.
Oh Worm! Grasshopper Dissection (Video): A great dissection video with fun and informative commentary. Access online.
Virtual Grasshopper Dissection: A labeled, interactive grasshopper dissection that allows you to go through the grasshopper's body systems one-by-one.
The Virtual Roach—An Instructional Tool For The Study of Insect Anatomy: A free instructional package by the McHugh Lab at UGA, comprising a collection of graphics, text and a glossary of terms. The MS-Windows based interface for the system links the material in a manner permitting interactive study of the anatomy of the American Cockroach through a virtual dissection. Apply for free use.
The Biology Corner’s Squid Dissection: Labeled images of a squid dissection. Access online.
Clam 3D Dissection Model (Getting Nerdy with Mel & Gerdy): A 3D dissection model (paper or vinyl) accompanied by a digital lesson plan for educators. Purchase includes the physical model, PowerPoint slides, PDF handouts, guided reading, graphic organizers, dissection templates, extension questions, and answer keys.
Dissection 101 - Clam (PBS): Dissection lesson plans, videos, and quizzes. Access online. Scroll down to access Clam.
Froguts (Squid): Hosted right here on The Science Bank, Froguts is freely available to explorers of biology. This virtual dissection software allows you to conduct a detailed virtual dissection with virtual dissection tools. View the dissection specimen in 3D and manipulate the specimen prior to dissection. Take quizzes after each section. Please note that technical support is not available for this product and this software is no longer being updated or serviced by its creators, but it is still a valuable resource for those who are able to access and operate it. Download for free.
Oh Worm! Clam Dissection (Video): A great dissection video with fun and informative commentary. Access online.
South Dakota Public Broadcasting Old School Science Demonstrations - Dissections: Clam dissection multimedia options such as video & photos, lesson plan, student checklist, interactive PowerPoint, and quiz available. Scroll down for other animals. Access online.
Squid 3D Dissection Model (Getting Nerdy with Mel & Gerdy): A 3D dissection model (paper or vinyl) accompanied by a digital lesson plan for educators. Purchase includes the physical model, PowerPoint slides, PDF handouts, guided reading, graphic organizers, dissection templates, extension questions, and answer keys.
Squid and Sea Star Dissection: Invertebrate Investigations by VictoryXR: Perform a fully immersive virtual reality (VR) squid dissection. Learn about squid anatomy while performing a virtual dissection guided by a hologram of real-life science teacher, Wendy Martin. A complete hands-on experience without the harm. For use with Oculus, Vive, or Pico VR headsets. Fee for VictoryXR software license.
University of Buffalo's Clam: Labeled photographs of clam anatomy. Access online.
University of Buffalo's Squid: Labeled photographs of squid anatomy. Access online.
3D Pig Anatomy by Biosphera (Apple Store) (Google Play): A virtual 3D interactive model that allows you to explore anatomy in great detail as you go through labeled body systems one-by-one, from every possible angle. Purchase and download for Windows, Google Play, or iOS (iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch 11.0 or later).
Anatomy & Physiology Revealed: Pig: A comprehensive, interactive virtual dissection tool with realistic visuals, informative descriptions, quiz questions, and more. Contact McGraw Hill to purchase and access online.
Biology Corner Fetal Pig Anatomy & Dissection Resources: Lesson Plans, handouts, quizzes, and activities for students on fetal pig anatomy and dissection. Free Access online. Scroll down to access Fetal Pig.
eMind Pig: An NGSS-aligned virtual dissection which includes labs and tests. Purchase and access online.
Fetal Pig 3D Dissection Model (Getting Nerdy with Mel & Gerdy): A 3D dissection model (paper or vinyl) accompanied by a digital lesson plan for educators. Purchase includes the physical model, PowerPoint slides, PDF handouts, guided reading, graphic organizers, dissection templates, extension questions, and answer keys.
Fetal Pig Dissection Model (Origami Organelles): A very affordable 3D paper dissection model which you can download, print, and construct as many times as you want, after purchase.
Froguts (Fetal Pig): Hosted right here on The Science Bank, Froguts is freely available to explorers of biology. This virtual dissection software allows you to conduct a detailed virtual dissection with virtual dissection tools. View the dissection specimen in 3D and manipulate the specimen prior to dissection. Take quizzes after each section. Please note that technical support is not available for this product and this software is no longer being updated or serviced by its creators, but it is still a valuable resource for those who are able to access and operate it. Download for free.
Mammalian Organ Pack Dissection by VictoryXR: Perform a fully immersive virtual reality (VR) dissection of a human heart, cow eye, pig kidney, and sheep brain. Learn about anatomy while performing virtual dissections guided by a hologram of real-life science teacher, Wendy Martin. A complete hands-on experience without the harm. For use with Oculus, Vive, or Pico VR headsets. Fee for VictoryXR software license.
Oh Worm! Fetal Pig Dissection (Video): A great dissection video with fun and informative commentary. Access online.
Pig Brain Dissection (Youtube): A dissection of a real pig brain alongside a lesson on its anatomy and functions. Access online.
Pig Dissection: Hoggin' The Scalpel by VictoryXR: Perform a fully immersive virtual reality (VR) pig dissection. Learn about pig anatomy while performing a virtual dissection guided by a hologram of real-life science teacher, Wendy Martin. A complete hands-on experience without the harm. For use with Oculus, Vive, or Pico VR headsets. Fee for VictoryXR software license.
Pig Heart Dissection (Youtube): A dissection of a real pig heart alongside a lesson on its anatomy and functions. Access online.
Pig Liver Dissection (Youtube): A dissection of a real pig liver alongside a lesson on its anatomy and functions. Access online.
Pig Lungs Dissection (Youtube): A dissection of a real set of pig lungs alongside a lesson on its anatomy and functions. Access online.
Whitman College Virtual Pig Dissection: A detailed, photograph-based dissection of a fetal pig. Includes labels and descriptions. Access online.
Visible Biology by Visible Body: With the 3D animal dissection models in Visible Biology’s Animal Structure and Function unit, students can study animal form and function in a whole new way! Study the internal and external structures of invertebrates with interactive 3D pig dissection models. The systems tray functionality lets students easily isolate specific body systems. Students can complete dissection lab activities in class and reference those same models to study and complete assignments at home.
3D Rat Anatomy by Biosphera (Apple Store) (Google Play): A virtual 3D interactive model that allows you to explore anatomy in great detail as you go through labeled body systems one-by-one, from every possible angle. Purchase and download for Windows, Google Play, or iOS (iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch 11.0 or later).
Biology Corner Rat Anatomy & Dissection Resources: Lesson Plans, handouts, and activities for students on rat anatomy and dissection. Free Access online. Scroll down to access Rat.
Gale Interactive 3D Rat Anatomy: 3D Interactive Rat Anatomy with labels and quizzes. Descriptive information available on the left side of page. Access online.
Oh Worm! Rat Dissection (Video): A great dissection video with fun and informative commentary. Access online.
Rat 3D Dissection Model (Getting Nerdy with Mel & Gerdy): A 3D dissection model (paper or vinyl) accompanied by a digital lesson plan for educators. Purchase includes the physical model, PowerPoint slides, PDF handouts, guided reading, graphic organizers, dissection templates, extension questions, and answer keys.
Sniffy the Virtual Rat (Psychology): A virtual psychology lab experience on classical and operant conditioning. Purchase and download for Windows or Mac.
Vertebrate Anatomy Rat Dissection: Full-body labeled image of a dissected rat. Available to view unlabeled image for quiz. Variety of Mammal Skeletons and Mammal Tooth Structure & Diversity also available. Access online.
Dogfish Dissection: Diggin' The Dogfish by VictoryXR: Perform a fully immersive virtual reality (VR) dogfish shark dissection. Learn about dogfish shark anatomy while performing a virtual dissection guided by a hologram of real-life science teacher, Wendy Martin. A complete hands-on experience without the harm. For use with Oculus, Vive, or Pico VR headsets. Fee for VictoryXR software license.
The Great White Shark on Merge Explorer App by Merge EDU (Apple Store) (Google Play): Explore the life and anatomy of a great white shark in augmented reality (AR) in the Great White Shark section of the Merge Explorer app. App is free to download but requires subscription to Merge EDU platform. PLEASE NOTE: This app requires a Merge Cube and a smartphone or a tablet to experience. 2-week Free Trial for all content available here.
Inside Explorer - Sharks and Rays - by Interspectral: Inside Explorer is an interactive software that allow its users to explore visualizations of 3D data, showcasing 3D-visualizations based on CT-scans, combined with several 3D methods for realistic and fascinating results. The Marine Animals content gallery includes a Hammerhead Shark and Short-Fin Mako, among other marine animals. 14 Day Free Trial available.
Marine Life 3D: Learn interesting facts about over 20 different marine animals while viewing them as amazing 3D models that can be rotated and zoomed in on.
oVert - openVertebrate project: Free, digital 3D vertebrate anatomy models and data collected from CT scan and made available to researchers, educators, students and the public. From the oVert website, "Over the next four years, the oVert team will CT scan 20,000 fluid-preserved specimens from U.S. museum collections, producing high-resolution anatomical data for more than 80 percent of vertebrate genera." The current specimen gallery includes Amphibians, Birds, Fishes, Mammals, & Reptiles.
Oh Worm! Shark Dissection (Video): A great dissection video with fun and informative commentary. Access online.
Phoenix College’s Shark Lab: Walk through a virtual shark dissection with labeled photographs, descriptions, and quizzes. Access online.
Shark 3D Dissection Model (Getting Nerdy with Mel & Gerdy): A 3D dissection model (paper or vinyl) accompanied by a digital lesson plan for educators. Purchase includes the physical model, PowerPoint slides, PDF handouts, guided reading, graphic organizers, dissection templates, extension questions, and answer keys.
South Dakota Public Broadcasting Old School Science Demonstrations - Dissections: Dogfish Shark dissection multimedia options such as video & photos, lesson plan, student checklist, interactive PowerPoint, and quiz available. Scroll down for other animals. Access online.
Vertebrate Anatomy Shark Dissection: Full-body labeled image of a dissected shark. Available to view unlabeled image for quiz. Shark Skeleton, Cranium, & Jaws and Shark Skin also available. Access online.
Dissection 101 - Sea Star (PBS): Dissection lesson plans, videos, and quizzes. Access online. Scroll down to access Sea Star (Starfish).
Oh Worm! Sea Star Dissection (Video): A great dissection video with fun and informative commentary. Access online.
South Dakota Public Broadcasting Old School Science Demonstrations - Dissections: Sea Star dissection multimedia options such as video & photos, lesson plan, student checklist, interactive PowerPoint, and quiz available. Scroll down for other animals. Access online.
Sea Star 3D Dissection Model (Getting Nerdy with Mel & Gerdy): A 3D dissection model (paper or vinyl) accompanied by a digital lesson plan for educators. Purchase includes the physical model, PowerPoint slides, PDF handouts, guided reading, graphic organizers, dissection templates, extension questions, and answer keys.
Squid and Sea Star Dissection: Invertebrate Investigations by VictoryXR: Perform a fully immersive virtual reality (VR) sea star dissection. Learn about sea star anatomy while performing a virtual dissection guided by a hologram of real-life science teacher, Wendy Martin. A complete hands-on experience without the harm. For use with Oculus, Vive, or Pico VR headsets. Fee for VictoryXR software license.
Visible Biology by Visible Body: With the 3D animal dissection models in Visible Biology’s Animal Structure and Function unit, students can study animal form and function in a whole new way! Study the internal and external structures of invertebrates with interactive 3D sea star dissection models. The systems tray functionality lets students easily isolate specific body systems. Students can complete dissection lab activities in class and reference those same models to study and complete assignments at home.
3D Bovine Anatomy by Biosphera (Apple Store) (Google Play): A virtual 3D interactive model that allows you to explore anatomy in great detail as you go through labeled body systems one-by-one, from every possible angle. Purchase and download for Windows, Google Play, or iOS (iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch 11.0 or later).
Biology Corner Cow Eye Virtual Dissection: Guide, handouts, activities, and a quiz accompany this virtual dissection of a cow eye. Additional Cow Eye worksheet found here. Access online.
Bovine Limb Anatomy from Iowa State University: This interactive website provides views of the limbs as a 3D digital images or as a radiographic projections. There are also 3D videos which provide a 360 view of the limbs. Labels and arrows can be turned off and on. Access online.
Cow Osmosis Stem Case (ExploreLearning): Students act as a veterinarian to help a young calf, named Clark, who is having seizures. To determine the cause, the students fly into Clark's brain to learn about osmosis and apply their learning to save Clark. Available at the High School and AP level, both free. Teacher Guide, Expanded Handbook, and Lesson Materials included. Access online.
Dissection 101 - Cow Eye (PBS): Dissection lesson plans, videos, and quizzes. Access online. Scroll down to access Cow Eye.
Exploratorium’s Cow Eye: Virtual cow eye dissection, cow eye dissection videos, and fact sheets about the eye. Access online.
Froguts (Cow Eye): Hosted right here on The Science Bank, Froguts is freely available to explorers of biology. This virtual dissection software allows you to conduct a detailed virtual dissection with virtual dissection tools. View the dissection specimen in 3D and manipulate the specimen prior to dissection. Take quizzes after each section. Please note that technical support is not available for this product and this software is no longer being updated or serviced by its creators, but it is still a valuable resource for those who are able to access and operate it. Download for free.
Mammalian Organ Pack Dissection by VictoryXR: Perform a fully immersive virtual reality (VR) dissection of a human heart, cow eye, pig kidney, and sheep brain. Learn about anatomy while performing virtual dissections guided by a hologram of real-life science teacher, Wendy Martin. A complete hands-on experience without the harm. For use with Oculus, Vive, or Pico VR headsets. Fee for VictoryXR software license.
Oh Worm! (Cow) Eye Dissection (Video): A great dissection video with fun and informative commentary. Access online.
South Dakota Public Broadcasting Old School Science Demonstrations - Dissections: Cow Eye dissection multimedia options such as video & photos, lesson plan, student checklist, interactive PowerPoint, and quiz available. Scroll down for other animals. Access online.
Animal Group Behavior Stem Case (ExploreLearning): Web-based platform where students perform as a wildlife biologist to help a farmer in Africa that is having problems with elephants eating corn and cotton crops. Students learn about animal group behavior and relationships of elephants and humans with bees. Students collect data from the farm and elephants to hypothesize and test solutions that will protect the crops without hurting the elephants. Available at a Elementary School level or the Middle School level. Teacher Guide and Expanded Handbook included. Access online.
How Do Animals Work? (Apple Store) (Google Play): Enjoy and learn while discovering seven vertebrates of the Amazon rainforest with all their systems - such as circulatory, nervous, digestive, skeletal, reproductive, and abilities. Play and discover the macaws, electric eels, poison dart frog, spider monkey, anaconda, pink river dolphin, and jaguar with this educational and fun app.
Inside Explorer - Animal Anatomy - by Interspectral: Inside Explorer is an interactive software that allow its users to explore visualizations of 3D data, showcasing 3D-visualizations based on CT-scans, combined with several 3D methods for realistic and fascinating results. The Wild Animals content gallery includes a Chimpanzee, Golden Eagle, Lion, Grey Seal, and Moose. 14 Day Free Trial available.
Lamprey Eel
Vertebrate Anatomy Lamprey Eel Dissection: Full-body labeled image of a dissected lamprey eel. Available to view unlabeled image for quiz. Access online.
Vertebrate Anatomy Rabbit Dissection: Full-body labeled image of a dissected rabbit. Available to view unlabeled image for quiz. Variety of Mammal Skeletons and Mammal Tooth Structure & Diversity also available. Access online.
The Visible Bunny: An app that allows you to dissect a rabbit. Download free for Google Play.
Sheep (Heart & Brain)
Biology Corner Sheep Brain Virtual Dissection: Guide and handouts accompany this virtual dissection of a sheep brain. Access online.
The Biology Corner’s Sheep Heart: Labeled images of a sheep heart dissection. Access online.
Dissection 101 - Sheep Heart (PBS): Dissection lesson plans, videos, and quizzes. Access online. Scroll down to access Sheep Heart.
Exploratorium’s Sheep Brain Dissection: Virtual sheep brain dissection, sheep brain dissection videos, and fact sheets about the brain. Access online.
Mammalian Organ Pack Dissection by VictoryXR: Perform a fully immersive virtual reality (VR) dissection of a human heart, cow eye, pig kidney, and sheep brain. Learn about anatomy while performing virtual dissections guided by a hologram of real-life science teacher, Wendy Martin. A complete hands-on experience without the harm. For use with Oculus, Vive, or Pico VR headsets. Fee for VictoryXR software license.
Oh Worm! (Sheep) Brain Dissection (Video): A great dissection video with fun and informative commentary. Access online.
South Dakota Public Broadcasting Old School Science Demonstrations - Dissections: Sheep Heart dissection multimedia options such as video & photos, lesson plan, student checklist, interactive PowerPoint, and quiz available. Scroll down for other animals. Access online.
Snake 3D Dissection Model (Getting Nerdy with Mel & Gerdy): A 3D dissection model (paper or vinyl) accompanied by a digital lesson plan for educators. Purchase includes the physical model, PowerPoint slides, PDF handouts, guided reading, graphic organizers, dissection templates, extension questions, and answer keys.
Vertebrate Anatomy Snake Dissection: Full-body labeled image of a dissected snake. Available to view unlabeled image for quiz. Variety of Snake Skulls and Lizard & Snake Skeletons also available. Access online.
Giant House Spider Dissection Model (Origami Organelles): A very affordable 3D paper dissection model of a Giant House Spider. Learn about the parts of a spider without the harm! You can download, print, and construct as many times as you want, after purchase.
oVert - openVertebrate project: Free, digital 3D vertebrate anatomy models and data collected from CT scan and made available to researchers, educators, students and the public. From the oVert website, "Over the next four years, the oVert team will CT scan 20,000 fluid-preserved specimens from U.S. museum collections, producing high-resolution anatomical data for more than 80 percent of vertebrate genera." The current specimen gallery includes Amphibians, Birds, Fishes, Mammals, & Reptiles.
Turtle Paper Dissection: Paper turtle dissection from Teachers Pay Teachers. Students learn about turtle anatomy as they cut out and color organs that they put back in to the empty body. Access online.
Vertebrate Anatomy Turtle Dissection: Full-body labeled image of a dissected turtle. Available to view unlabeled image for quiz. Turtle Skull and Turtle Skeleton also available. Access online.
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Animal Life Cycle | Bird | Cat | Crayfish | Dog | Earthworm | Fish | Frog | Horse | Human | Insect | Mollusc | Pig | Rat | Shark | Starfish | Other Animal